
mot-r offers the smoothest path to high quality service delivery and team effectiveness.

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Start Small + Quick Wins

You need to change how you work—but can't stop the presses. mot-r lets you to start small, keep you resource Investments to a minimum, build momentum and reinvest your gains into further forward motion and innovation.
By working with your current processes, people and technology we can help you only change what is necessary to make meaningful initial gains. That's because no department has the time and resources to engage in a long, complicated, expensive and resource-heavy technology implementation. 

Avoid 2nd Order Costs

Beware, changes you make to improve how your team works can come with ugly surprise costs—like needing ongoing IT support, or creating an unintended data silo that isolates your team from other critical operating parts of the company.
mot-r's no-code approach is cost-effective to buy, implement and support. And it easily integrates with the APIs of other popular technologies. 

Improve Faster. More Easily.

mot-r has a short time to value—and that value can compound rapidly—as its simplicity and clarity are deployed on more tasks and processes across your department.
Know that you won’t get your technology implementation correct on the first try. That's to be expected. But with mot-r you can quickly respond, refine and improve continuously on your own, without the need of tech support or costly consultants. 

Low Risk, High Return

mot-r is your lowest risk, highest return option. It will empower you to start small, build momentum and free up resources, control the implementation and support costs, continuously improve and easily scale when you need.
That's the perfect recipe for a great technology investment. mot-r checks all those boxes.



A Single Source Of Work Truth. And Less Waste

mot-r provides a visible, transparent, single source of truth about what needs to be done, by whom, and when - based on your uniquely differentiated management, operating, and delivery activities. Even the most junior resources will have the guidance (and guardrails) they need to deliver in a high-quality and timely fashion.

This is especially important in an era of expanding mandates, as mot-r can easily scale to take on Security, Privacy, Compliance, Ethics, Risk, ESG, and Government Affairs-related workflows and operations. 

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Organization Tree

Iteratively Test & Learn: Faster Adaptation

If you're trying to evolve your management approach, or experiment with new operating models, you can't afford the risk, delay and cost of a custom-built solution. mot-r was designed to support a wide variety of organizational structures quickly and easily, just through point-and-click configuration.

Coordination & Communication: Happier Employees

If you are dealing with millions of required actions, thousands of documents and hundreds of people - each responsible for their own independent work - then coordination is critical. Managing this constellation of resources effectively while dealing with digital-first or hybrid operations is challenging enough for some tools. We handle this with ease and add seamless multi-language capabilities for multi-national operations.

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Quality & Continuous Improvement: Better Value & Service

Managing a high-performance operation requires visibility to what is being done (or not done) and where you have challenges. mot-r allows you to quickly surface where you're doing well and where you aren't, and then make improvements in minutes without any intervention from IT.

Client-Facing & Internal Operations

Excellence in value and service doesn't just happen. It's a series of habits and routines that occur day after day without fail. mot-r can standardize and automate the collaboration required to seamlessly execute important internal processes like Onboarding, Reviews, Exits, and the like, so the learning effects can be compounded throughout the legal department.
