

Start Small. Succeed. Scale.

You can't possibly tackle all the changes you need to make in a single, big-bang like manner. You've got to keep getting work out while you make measurable and impactful changes. You need to be able to make investments that can fix immediate problems as well as the next most pressing problems and compound your efforts while you go.


mot-r can be implemented to address your most pressing operational and service challenges, and then scale up and out to tackle more and more work. Without having to implement a patchwork of multiple solutions that have to get in the way of doing your work.

Digital Workflows

Standardize and automate any process that is important to improve, track and report on.


Contract Management


Efficiently manage the drafting, commenting, negotiation, review, approval and execution tasks required to complete a contract while always knowing where things stand.


Matter/Case Management




Standardize, simplify and automate all the work required to ensure that your whole team knows what needs to be done, how it needs to be done, and when it needs to get done.


Service Requests

Enabling your internal clients submit requests, collaborate with your team and self-serve where appropriate reduces the burden on your staff (and the time-wasting question of "where are we on...").


Task Management


Not everything that is important for your operations are related to Matters, Cases or Contracts. That's why mot-r can help manage non-standard, collaborative Tasks just as easily as standardized workflow processes.


Boundaryless Collaboration

In many cases, you rely on input from Outside Counsel, Auditors, Engineers, and specialists in any number of industries. mot-r enables you to seamlessly include them in your work processes while maintaining document and information security.


Legal Operations Management


You have to maintain or improve service and value to the business without burning-out your people. mot-r helps you understand how you operate, and the outcomes you are providing so you are well-armed for your discussions with management on staffing levels and turn-around times.